
Basic Routing

All Severell routes are defined by annotating your controller methods with the following annotation.

@Route(path = "/", method = HttpMethod.GET);

So a typical controller file will look something like this.

    @Route(path = "/", method = HttpMethod.GET)
    public void index(Request request, Response resp) throws IOException, ViewException {


Available Router Methods

The router allows you to register routes for the following HTTP verb.


CSRF Protection

Any request to a POST route must include a CSRF token field. Otherwise, that request will be rejected. See more in the CSRF Documentation. You can add a CSRF to any HTML form like below.

<form method="POST" action="/post">
    @tag.csrf(token = csrf)

Route Parameters

Oftentimes you need to capture part of the URI within your route. For example, you may need to catch the user id. You can do that as follows.

@Route(path = "/user/:id", method = HttpMethod.GET)

You now have access to that parameter from within your controller. You can consume that as follows.

public static void user(Request request) {

Route parameters always begin with : followed by a name. You can also have more than one route parameter in a route.

@Route(path = "/user/:id/posts/:postid", method = HttpMethod.GET)

Adding Route Middleware

To add Middleware to a route you can another annotation to your method. Route middleware is only run on the route you set it on.

@Route(path = "/user/:id", method = HttpMethod.GET)
@Middleware({AuthenticationMiddleware.class, ValidateMiddlware.class})